Dúfame, že 5 Vecí, Ktoré Obama Videl Na Kube - Matador Network

Dúfame, že 5 Vecí, Ktoré Obama Videl Na Kube - Matador Network
Dúfame, že 5 Vecí, Ktoré Obama Videl Na Kube - Matador Network

Foto + video + film


1. Cool hudobníci

Hudba a Kuba sa spájajú ako rum a koks. Láska na prvý dúšok alebo v tomto prípade prvá pieseň. Foto: Jason Napolitano.

As you wonder through the streets all you have to do is follow the music and you're sure to find something interesting. Photo: Jason Napolitano
As you wonder through the streets all you have to do is follow the music and you're sure to find something interesting. Photo: Jason Napolitano

Ako sa čudujete ulicami, všetko, čo musíte urobiť, je sledovať hudbu a určite nájdete niečo zaujímavé. Foto: Jason Napolitano

2. Rad klasické autá

It's not all classic American cars in Cuba. Checking the surf driving down the coast in an old VW just feels right. Photo: Jason Napolitano
It's not all classic American cars in Cuba. Checking the surf driving down the coast in an old VW just feels right. Photo: Jason Napolitano

Nie sú to všetky klasické americké autá na Kube. Kontrola surfovania po pobreží v starom VW je jednoducho v poriadku. Foto: Jason Napolitano

Rusty buckets with rustic buildings. Just throw a little blue paint on them and they're good as Cuban. Photo: Jason Napolitano
Rusty buckets with rustic buildings. Just throw a little blue paint on them and they're good as Cuban. Photo: Jason Napolitano

Hrdzavé vedrá s rustikálnymi budovami. Stačí na nich hodiť malú modrú farbu a sú dobré ako Kubánci. Foto: Jason Napolitano

3. Priateľskí obyvatelia

Lost? Just ask. Some of the friendliest people you'll ever meet. Old man pointing us in the direction of the best mojito in Trinadad. Photo: Jason Napolitano
Lost? Just ask. Some of the friendliest people you'll ever meet. Old man pointing us in the direction of the best mojito in Trinadad. Photo: Jason Napolitano

Stratil? Len sa spýtaj. Niektorí z najpríjemnejších ľudí, s ktorými sa kedy stretnete. Starý muž nás nasmeroval k najlepšiemu mojito v Trinadade. Foto: Jason Napolitano

Cuba is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Three young boys enjoying the blue Caribbean. Photo: Jason Napolitano
Cuba is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Three young boys enjoying the blue Caribbean. Photo: Jason Napolitano

Kuba je domovom niektorých z najkrajších pláží na svete. Traja mladí chlapci sa tešia z modrého Karibiku. Foto: Jason Napolitano

4. Údolie Viñales a polia tabaku

Beautiful Viñales, a small farm town in the north where most of the Cuban tobacco is grown. Photo: Jason Napolitano
Beautiful Viñales, a small farm town in the north where most of the Cuban tobacco is grown. Photo: Jason Napolitano

Krásne Viñales, malé poľnohospodárske mesto na severe, kde sa pestuje väčšina kubánskeho tabaku. Foto: Jason Napolitano

Green gold. Viñales tabaco is what the majority of Cuban cigars are made from. Photo: Jason Napolitano
Green gold. Viñales tabaco is what the majority of Cuban cigars are made from. Photo: Jason Napolitano

Zelené zlato. Viñales tabaco je to, z čoho sa vyrába väčšina kubánskych cigár. Foto: Jason Napolitano

5. Farebná architektúra

Old and new, beautiful texture everywhere you look. Photo: Jason Napolitano
Old and new, beautiful texture everywhere you look. Photo: Jason Napolitano

Stará a nová, krásna textúra všade, kam sa pozriete. Foto: Jason Napolitano
